Between 1100 BC and 200 BC, the
Etruscans rose far above the other
tribal communities on the Italian
peninsula. But they faded
away by about 100 AD, wiping out 1100 years of history.
1000-700 BC
Etruscan Beginnings:
Map of
early Etruscan territories, 1000-700 BC
Villagers migrate to urban centers between
Rome and Florence.
Tarquinia becomes the
major center of the Etruscans.
750-500 BC
Rise of the Etruscans:
Map of Etruscan Expansion, 750-500 BC
The Etruscans expanded:
to the north of Florence
-in the middle around Rome
-south of Rome
For a map of Etruscan city-states, click
here: Etruscan City-States
600-400 BC
Height of Etruscan civilization:
600-400 BC
The Etruscans gained
-military might
-sophisticated art
500-100 BC
Military defeat everywhere:
500-100 BC
In a series of wars, the
Etruscans were defeated:
-by the Greeks in S. Italy
-by the Gauls in N. Italy
the Romans in the central, at Veii in 396 BC. Their fabulously
wealthy city of Veii is looted.
Upstart Rome triumphs. |
200 BC-
AD 100 |
Extinction: 200 BC -AD 100
By AD 100 Etruscan language and culture
virtually extinct.
Etruscans become renowned only for their religious powers.
You may contact me, Nancy Padgett, at
NJPadgett@gmail.com |